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Dream Work Exploration

Dr. Victor Garlock, Certified Hypnotherapast, Dream Therapist, Author, Presenter

Dreams are a doorway to our subconscious mind that leads us to communication with our innate wisdom or “our genius within”. Learning to understand our dreams is a key to better understanding our self and our needs. This higher intelligence or genius can help us find answers to issues, questions and concerns. It can inspire us with creative ideas and alert us to possible problems that may be prevented. Dreams can also give us comforting messages that release guilt from the past or traumatic memories we may hold.

Analyzing and interpreting dreams can help individuals address a variety of issues and concerns such as fear, anxiety, creative blocks, nightmares and other undesired experiences and behaviors as well as suppressed thoughts, feelings and desires that prevent us from being the person we want to be or living the life we want to live.

Dream Work is a process where both the therapist and client actively engage in exploring the client’s dream world to uncover the symbolism, metaphors and subtle messages hidden within the dream in order to find answers and meaning to their everyday life and to change the course of issues and concerns.

Fee:  $125.00 60m
* Mention Introductory Offer and recieve this service for a reduced rate of $125.00
(Patial scholarships are available according to needs)